Monday, June 29, 2009

Update in general

Haven't done much exercise, been losing weight, finished up driving. Apparently, I know everything, but need to relax.

Have got a blueprint for some of the more important aspects of the Hyatt-NG system typed out. Lillian was confused by my improvisational attitude towards CS.

Pad still not so hot. Dad suspects radio station is interfering. Will have to hook myself up to oscilloscope to check. Scientology loses this round.

Will have to work on Hyatt, or begin the blueprinting for S3 that I may have mentioned. Also, screen is filthy, causing that last period to look like a comma.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stuff for June 25, 2009

Just finished taking a walk, about 50 minutes.

Have some thoughts about my new plan for Hyatt, which I'm going to power S3 with, because all of the alternatives piss me off in some way.

Pad is being annoying. I can't figure out how the wires map to the inputs any more, even though I verified the correspondence myself.

No progress yet on S3: Ambitious Sub-Plan. It could take as long as a week to sort it all out, hopefully will take less time.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Plans for NOW

Going to calibrate pad. Not ten minutes from now. Not five minutes from now. Now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Plans for June 24, 2009

Driving after noon. Temp work, about an hour's worth. Mapping stuff for S3. Seriously, the pad should be done, just use it for a bit. Still classes, and preparing for other job.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Goals for June 22, 2009

Slightly... slept through yesterday. I did make some progress on S3, though.

Anyway... Already today, I've showered, backed up my hard drive, installed iWork and iLife, and printed out some stuff to work on for S3.

I've got some work to do, tempwise, I've got friends coming over, stuff to read, still have to finish up course selection stuff...

I think that's it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Goals for June 20, 2009

Well, I got driving done, and dad finished wiring up the last of the mods to the pad. I really should get it calibrated and go.

I'd also like to sketch out the big-picture relationships that S3 will depend on.

Ask for overrides for classes, pick Honors Seminar.

In the end, reading or TF2.

Update, since I forgot to post: pad detection is considerably enhanced, and at only a slight risk of unpleasant death or injury. Calibration will have to wait because the script is being a butthole. Playing a bit of TF2, then other stuff.

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009, Update 1.5

Generally worked out what should be done for one of the 'workhorse' sets of tables in S3. Going to need to use triggers to insert functionality that should have already existed. Oh well.

Also, I still maintain that whoever is responsible for InnoDB's 'extension' to the SQL standard re: foreign keys needs to be kicked in the shins.

June 19, 2009, Update 1

Made some progress on classes. Still need to get an override for chem, and choose an Honors Seminar.

Also, there are blatant bugs in the course selection website.

Also also, got more familiar with SQLAlchemy. Once I'm sure of how it handles views, I'll start mapping stuff out.

Goals for June 19, 2009

Already did driving lessons, so that's taken care of.

Tonight, make hopefully the last modification to the pad.

SQL in general, and mapping out what I want from whatever ends up running S3.

Class signups.


Um, let me see...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Calibration is screwy

Right now, the circuit seems to be stuck in More Magic mode. Discrimination would be better if it were wired for Magic instead, so I'm going to wait for dad to come home to extend the ground wire. He's also bringing an SQL book, I think, for all of my bizarre abuse ideas.

Going to hang out with friends, hopefully.

Okay then...

Got some questions about SQL, going to wait, try to calibrate the bits of the pad that I can calibrate, dance, and shower.

June 18, 2009, Update 2

Most of the way done with tutorial. Going to start mapping out tables and views, etc, on whiteboard.


Current versions of MySQL have a constraint on VIEW algorithms that would slow S3 to a crawl. Guess I'll just have to wait to implement that bit, or something. Or maybe just manually optimize the stuff.

Guh! It's been years since someone proposed a fix, and there isn't even an ETA for getting that done! I'll just have to hack up a fix at the Python level, or something.

June 18, 2009, Update 1.5

Pad calibration is a bitch and a half. Going to skip that for now.

June 18, 2009, Update 1

Got tape. Ready to recalibrate pad.

Goals for June 18, 2009

Buy gorilla tape, finish modifying ddr pad, and spend at least 30 minutes on it.

Read through w3c SQL tutorial, and begin working out tables for the S3 project. Start learning SQLAlchemy, and write first revisions of setup scripts.

Get any temp work done, and refresh memory about FB groups.

Check in with friends about what they're doing.

In my copious free time, read that one book that I obtained. Or maybe that other book that I obtained. Point is, I've got books to read.

Progress will be noted as I make it. Expect updates within an hour.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What this is for

I need a concrete record of my daily progress in various endeavors. I expect this to not interest people, but this is all about me. Me. Mememe! So yeah, if anybody happens to read this, that's the idea.